Amy N. Spiegel

Amy N. Spiegel Research Associate Professor

As a Research Associate Professor at the Methodology & Evaluation Research Core Facility (MERC), I have had the opportunity to work with different faculty at UNL as well as many other institutions, and to do evaluation and research on a variety of projects.  Most of my work has focused in the areas of mathematics and science education, both formal and informal, K-16.  I earned a B.A. from Rice University with a multidisciplinary degree in American Cultural Studies and a M.A./Ed.S. and Ph.D. from University of Minnesota in Educational Psychology, with a focus on Measurement and Evaluation.  I am currently serving as internal evaluator for the Worlds of Connections Project led by Dr. Julia McQuillan and funded by NIH SEPA (Science Education Partnership Award).  This project is developing dynamic learning activities and building partnerships between middle school youth, NIH-funded network scientists, learning research and educators to increase awareness of and interest in network science for health.  Read Amy N. Spiegel's Vita here.

Contact Info: 

Location: Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School (WHIT) 370E

Lincoln NE 68583-0866

Phone:  402-472-0764 On campus, dial 2-0764
