Contact Aiden
Location: WHIT 370E
Lincoln NE 68583-0866
Phone: 402-472-0764 On campus, dial 2-0764
EmailAiden Quinn
Dr. Quinn is the Senior Evaluation Project Manager with MERC and has a background in health equity and health disparity research, specifically as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community. They earned their PhD in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention from the College of Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. They also hold an MA in Sociology from the University of Nebraska – Omaha, an MA in Criminal Justice/Homeland Security Administration from Monmouth University, and a BS in Justice and Law Administration from Western Connecticut State University. Dr. Quinn has worked with local, state, and federal partners including SAMHSA, HRSA, the Department of Homeland Security, Nebraska DHHS, and the Nebraska Department of Education on project topics including opioid response, HIV treatment and prevention, school emergency operations procedures and response, and service learning programs to prevent targeted and terroristic violence. Dr. Quinn also serves as the Policy Chair for the APHA LGBTQ+ Health Caucus Executive Committee.
In their free time, Dr. Quinn enjoys spending time with their partner, two stepdaughters, and pets (Felix the Berniedoodle, Bonk and Mochi the cats, and Jellybean the guinea pig), starting but not finishing knitting and crochet projects, reading, running, and finding new hobbies or crafts to obsess over.