Federally-Funded Projects
American Association of Physics Teachers Data Management
MERC supported this project for the American Association of Physics Teachers by pulling and organizing data for analysis, so it could be analyzed by faculty.
Clients: Brandon Helding
Funder: American Association of Physics Teachers
An integrated and smart system for irrigation management in rural communities
This agricultural irrigation project uses low cost yet powerful sensors to record real-time weather and soil moisture, observe different techniques to improve weather and crop forecast, and to incorporate weather forecast to regulate irrigation processes.
MERC supports this project with data collection, analysis and reporting for related outreach events, and works with the Bureau of Sociological Research to conduct surveys of farmers in the targeted area.
Clients: Xin Qiao
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Barker Qualitative Trainings
This project focuses on youth perceptions and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). MERC supports this project through the development and conducting of focus group trainings to 4-H leaders, qualitative analysis via MAXQDA trainings for the project team, and providing transcription of the collected focus group sessions.
Client: Brad Barker
Funder: National 4-H Council
Barutha Capital
MERC provided services to a new UNL faculty member in support of their research and teaching. MERC assisted with the design and testing of data collection instruments to measure human factors, and lead training on data collection for students in Dr. Barutha's class.
Clients: Phil Barutha
BPE: Statewide Broadening Participation in Engineering
Broadening Participation in Enegineering (BPE) was an NSF project focused on increasing and supporting under-represented groups in engineering.
MERC conducted exploratory qualitative interviews/ethnographies with students on the topics of their past educational experiences, their preparation for college, and ways in which they find support for academic success in the College of Engineering at UNL.
Clients: Lance Perez
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Bradshaw Corn Board
The Bradshaw projects are focused on western bean cutworm in Nebraska bean farming.
MERC has supported these projects through consultation on data collection instruments, designing and fielding web surveys, and focus groups with farmers, crop consultants, and applicators.
Clients: Jeffrey Bradshaw
Funder: Nebraska Corn Board
Building a Comprehensive Geoscience Learning Experience
This project aimed to enhance geology interest in high school students in general by training and preparing teachers before they enter the classroom and after they interact with the students.
MERC supported with survey development, interviews, focus groups, data collection, data analysis, and reporting.
Clients: Mindi Searls
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Addressing the Critical Concerns of Confined Ionomeric Systems and Advanced Fluorescence Imaging of Ionic Distribution
This project aims to advance clean energy technologies by improving understanding of materials at nanoscale and developing next generation materials with improved performance and durability.
MERC evaluates the broader impact activities, assisting with instrument design and data collection, and data cleaning, analysis, and reporting of results.
Clients: Shudipto Dishari
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Dynamic Crystal Synthesis
Dr. Stephen Morin conducted education and outreach activities that aimed to inspire the underserved Native American student population to pursue STEM education.
MERC evaluated this grant through course and event surveys, focus groups and interviews with participants and grant leadership, and tracking of outputs related to the goals of the grant.
Clients: Steve Morin
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Establishing the Roles of Multi-enzyme Complexes in Metabolic Network Regulation
This grant works to characterize multi-enzyme complexes as part of metabolic processes.
MERC supports this project by evaluating the outreach and education activities.
Clients: Toshihiro Obata
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Hierarchical Structural Integrity in Magnesium by Asynchronous Laser Processing
This project focused on the structural integrity in biodegradable magnesium. The education and outreach activities focused on promoting participation in higher education in additive manufacturing and workforce development.
MERC collected formative and summative data from the students involved in their courses and workshops, such as pre-, post-, and follow-up surveys.
Clients: Mike Sealy
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: How SFR2 allows chloroplast envelope membranes to survive freezing, from initial signal to molecular mechanism
This project aims to elucidate the mechanisms by which membrane remodeling contributes to plant health while advancing teaching practices, improving research training, and promoting science literacy.
MERC support this project with evaluation support through formative feedback and the assessment of impacts.
Clients: Rebecca Roston
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Molecular mechanisms of ribonucleoprotein assembly
Dr. Catherine Eichhorn's CAREER award is focused on the 7SK ribonucleoprotein complex.
MERC supports the broader impacts of this project through evaluation of the eduaction and outreach activities.
Clients: Catherine Eichhorn
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Quadruplet Codon Decoding
This project looked at expanding the function and use of proteins by introducing additional nucleotides into the sequence and thus using the altered proteins for research and commercial applications.
MERC is serving as a consultant to provide an external evaluation for this project
Clients: Jintao Guo
Funder: National Science Foundation (CAREER)
CAREER: Structural and Mechanistic Studies on a Iron-Sulfur Cluster-Based Nitric Oxide Sensor
The education and outreach portion of this grant is focused on preparing the next -generation of scientists for structural and mechanistic research, and advancing public awareness of redox biology and basic research.
MERC supports this work with course and event evaluations, and data collection from students involved in the research on their future plans.
Clients: Limei Zhang
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER: Understanding Nanoscale Radiative Transport in Multi-Body Systems
This CAREER grant focuses on nanoscale radiant heat transfers in systems involving systems with more than two objects.
MERC supports this grant through program evaluation.
Clients: Mohammad Ghashami
Funder: National Science Foundation (CAREER)
Collaborative Research: Paleoenvironmental and paleoecological responses to climate change in the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
Scientific evidence shows that Earth’s climate is rapidly changing. Understanding how ecosystems respond to climate change will provide critical information to help human populations adjust to these changes. This study will examine how ancient mammal communities responded to an episode of global warming about fifty-three million years ago. Data about diet, locomotor activity, and body size will be gathered from fossils in U.S. museums to reconstruct the ecosystems in which these mammals lived.
Clients: Ross Secord
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Color of Drinking Survey
The Color of Drinking Survey was conducted for the Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance (NECPA).
Clients: Megan Hopkins
Status: Completed
Comparative Virology Research Training Program
This project aimed to provide pre-doctoral students with fundamental knowledge of viral pathogenesis and laboratory research experience.
MERC support this project by assessing he environment provided by the T32 Program for Fellows in the program.
Clients: Charles Wood
Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Digitizing and Conserving Specimens in the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology
This project consists of processing and conserving important biodiversity parasite survey collection and it also include an outreach component to educate general public about parasites.
MERC supports this project with front-end, formative and summative evaluation to inform the development, effectiveness, and appeal of educational materials on parasites.
Clients: Scott Gardner
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Drug Free Communities
This is a CDC-funded project focused on reducing problems related to underage drinking and substance use in the Elkhon Logan Valley.
MERC supports this project by conducting the evaluation, which consists of process and outcome evaluation, including interviews with project staff and community members as well as assessing outcomes of Elkhon Logan Valley Public Health Department’s Drug Free Communities programming to assist the project in meeting its goals and objectives.
Clients: Heather Drahota
Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Education Administration Evaluation
The Education and Administration Department at UNL sought to better understand how the department faculty and staff perceived the department, as well as strengths and barriers to achieving their goals.
MERC supported this by conducting focus groups at a faculty retreat, as well as individual interviews with key stakeholders. The results were summarized in a report, and presented to the department.
Clients: Nick Pace
Educational Immersive Simulations to Enhance Understanding of Corn-Water-Ethanol-Beef System Nexus
This project worked to develop an educational immersive simulation game to enhance understanding of the complex interactions of the Corn-Water-Ethanol-Beef (CWEB) System nexus. Outreach activities included 4-H programs, partnerships with high school teachers, and engagement of undergraduate students and the public.
MERC supported this project by participating in team meetings, creating tool for evaluation of events and courses, and data collection, analysis, and reporting of formative and summative results.
Clients: Deepak Keshwani
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
EPSCoR: RII Track-2 FEC: Comparative Genomics and Phenomics Approach to Discover Genes Underlying Heat Stress Resilience in Cereals
This project is to create foundational knowledge needed to improve climate resilience of wheat and rice cultivars.
MERC supports this project with evaluating outputs and outcomes of the outreach components.
Clients: Harkamal Walia
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Farm to School Institute
The Farm to School (F2S) Institute delivered F2S information to schools throughout Nebraska. The main activity was a week-long summer workshop that schools could apply to join, including speakers, coaches, and creating action plans. This was followed with support through the academic year from Exteansion staff and their coaches, and funds to help achieve their F2S project plans.
MERC supported this project through the creation of surveys, and data collection, analysis, and reporting.
Clients: Sara Smith
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Farm to School Surveys
MERC was contracted to analyze, report, and produce infographics for two sets of survey data for the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE). One was focused on farm to preschool activities, from the perspective of early care and education providers, and the other was focused on school gardens and growing spaces from the perspective of school personnel.
Clients: Sara Smith
Funder: Nebraska Department of Education (NDE)
Fogarty Aids Malignancies Training and Research International Program (AMTRIP)
AIDS associated cancer treatment in Zambia was the focus of this project as part of a partnership with the Zambian government through different fellowships and trainings to enhance knowledge and skills of professionals in this field.
MERC supported this program by providing both formative and summative evaluation.
Clients: Charles Wood
Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Foor Qualitative Text Analysis
In 2021, the Nebraska Department of Education sought public input to proposed changes to the state health education standards. A publicly shared survey received over 27,000 responses, with multiple opportunities to share open-ended responses. An additional 2,500 emails provided input on the topic.
MERC conducted a thematic review of the qualitative portions of these data sources. The resulting report included overall findings, breakdowns by data type and grade level, and summarized suggestions.
Clients: Ryan Foor
Funder: Nebraska Department of Education (NDE)
Foundations of Wet Communication Theory
This project aimed to develop transformative concept and tools to characterize, model, and design system based on biological cells in order to control the propagation for information in biological environments.
MERC supported this project with evaluation and surveying student participants.
Clients: Max Pierobon
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Game Day Survey
MERC provided support to the University of Nebraska Athletics by designing and supporting an evaluation survey that was sent to a sample of ticket holders after each home game.
Clients: Jason Rathe
INCLUDES: WATCH US (Women Achieving Through Community Hubs) in the United States
This project sought to increase and diversify the number of professional mathematicians in the United States by identifying and proliferating best practices and known mechanisms for increasing the success of women in mathematics graduate programs, particularly women from under-represented groups.
MERC conducted both program evaluation and social science research as an integral part of this project.
Clients: Judy Walker
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Kotcherlakota Qual
This project at UNMC focused on a temporary course redesign research project. MERC supported this project by providing qualitative analysis and reporting of findings.
Client: Suhasini Kotcherlakota
Funder: UNMC Diversity Funds
Maternal Child Health 2020 Needs Assessment
This study aimed to create a five-year action plan for the state Title V program that correspond to the information from five year needs assessments that was filled by the MCH and CSHCN populations.
MERC supported this project by evaluating, analyzing, and validating the data.
Clients: Jennifer Severe Oforah
Funder: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NEDHHS)
Menu Analysis
The Menu Analysis project was an evaluation of knowledge and practice changes for childcare providers in Nebraska, for the Department of Education of Nebraska.
MERC supported this project by designing and conducting an evaluation of their trainings, and analyzing and comparing menus from before and after the intervention.
Clients: Christy Burger
Funder: Nebraska Department of Education (NDE)
National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative Survey
This project is part of a nationwide effort to better support the data needs of agricultural stakeholders in the US.
MERC supports this project by assisting with the data collection instruments, conducting the data collection, and cleaning, analysis, and reporting of results.
Clients: Jennifer Clarke
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Nebraska Assessment of College Health Behaviors (NACHB)
The Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance (NECPA) contracted MERC to administer the Nebraska Assessment of College Health Behaviors (NACHB). The NACHB is based off the version conducted in Missouri (MACHB), and is conducted with college students at NECPA partner institutions. MERC worked with NECPA leadership and partners to modify the MACHB to match other data collection efforts, and fielded the first NACHB with 13 schools via web in the spring of 2020.
Clients: Megan Hopkins
Status: Completed
Office of Graduate Studies Exit Surveys
The UNL Office of Graduate Studies conducted two exit surveys with graduate students.
MERC provided analytic support for the resulting data, including examining various group differences of interest, and comparing respondents to the population.
Clients: Office of Graduate Studies
Omaha Collegiate Consortium
The Omaha Collegiate Consortium (OCC) is a part of the Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance (NECPA), which focuses on substance abuse prevention among 18-24 year old college students. The OCC is a partnership between seven institutions in the Omaha Metro area: Bellevue, Clarkson, College of St. Mary, Creighton, Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska Methodist College, and the University of Omaha.
Clients: Megan Hopkins
PhUN Days
he Physiology Understanding (PhUn) events hosted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center focused on strengthening math and science knowledge and interests in youth.
MERC supported this project by analyzing the evaluation surveys completed by the participants.
Clients: Martina Clarke
Funder: University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
Promoting Research-based Instructional Methods for Enhancing and Reforming STEM Education (PRIMERS)
This projects aims to help STEM instructors to navigate from traditional lecture-based instructions to student-centered active learning.
MERC supports this project with assessing the learning experiences with the active learning in courses including SWOT analysis of this process.
Clients: Leilani Arthurs
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
REEU: Beneficial Insects Protection Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates
This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program provides an intensive research experience focused on beneficial arthropods in agroecosystems (bees, butterflies, beetles), pest control (natural enemies), nutrient cycling (dung beetles, soil dwellers), and biological indicators (aquatic insects) of the quality of our environmental surroundings. Each summer involves a new cohort of high performing undergraduate students who work with mentors over the course of ten weeks, as well a professional development activities organized by the Office of Graduate Studies.
Clients: Doug Golick
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
RESEARCH-PGR: Single-Cell Analysis of the Dynamics and Evolution of Gene Expression in Legumes
Dr. Libault uses plant single-cell technologies to characterize genetic programs related to legume nodulations and biological nitrogen fixation. MERC evaluated the summer research program associated with this grant.
Clients: Marc Libault
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
REU: Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Biomedical Engineering Devices
This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program provides an intensive research experience in biomedical engineering for high-performing undergraduate students. Each summer involves a new cohort of students who work with mentors over the course of ten weeks, as well a professional development activities organized by the Office of Graduate Studies. This is the second REU award for Dr. Bashford.
Clients: Greg Bashford
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Schmidt Projects
The Schmidt projects focused on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) manure/nutrient management. The AMR project focused on related food safety content where knowledge gaps exist or significant regional needs are identified. The manure project delivering curriculum about manure/nutrient management, soil health, and the value of on-farm research for informing management practices to each high school agriculture program.
MERC supported these projects with evaluation and survey expertise.
Clients: Amy Schmidt
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Small Business Innovation Research Surveys
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) provides Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants to support small businesses with research and development.
MERC was contracted to analyze a past survey of USDA SBIR recipients, and to update and field a new survey to capture changes.
Clients: Melinda Coffman
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
State Partnership Initiative
The State Partnership Initiative aimed to help reduce or eliminate barriers to health care and reduce diabetes disparities among Omaha and Winnebago American Indian Tribal populations in Thurston County, Nebraska.
MERC supported this project with data reporting system updates, providing training on the system as needed, and generating quarterly data reports for OMH.
Clients: Diane Lowe
Funder: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NEDHHS)
STTR: A Point-of-Care Software Solution
Breezemed was awarded a Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a prototype software that assists with medication prior authorizations.
MERC supported this project by conducting a mixed-method formative evaluation combining focus groups and key stakeholder interviews, as well as surveying a nationally recruited panel of physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants to the development of an alpha prototype.
Clients: Steven Salzbrenner
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Using Current And Emerging Food Production Challenges To Enhance Science Educators Curriculum
This project focused on teacher training and piloting a curriculum on K-14 educators, and then offered nationally once finalized.
MERC supported this project by collecting and analyzing formative and summative data from the testing and piloting phases of the project.
Clients: Yulie Meneses Gonzalez and Sara Roberts
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Women in Agriculture Assessment
This project with Nebraska Extension is working to replicate an assessment of women farmers conducted by Farm Management Canada in Nebraska. MERC supports this project through the consultation of survey questions and design, analysis of survey data, and reporting of findings. This project is partnering with the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) for fielding the survey.
Client: Jessica Groskopf
Funder: Chancellor's Office
World of Viruses: COVID-19
The project developed and researched an integrated package of high-quality, widely accessible media and other outreach materials designed to engage middle school youth, educators, and libraries in learning about viruses in relation to COVID-19.
MERC provided evaluation and research support for this RAPID grant.
Clients: Judy Diamond
Funder: National Science Foundation Rapid (NSF Rapid)
State-Funded Projects
1817 Innovative State and Local Public Health Strategies to Prevent and Manage Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke Grant
The Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Program (CDPCP) at the NE Department of Health and Human Services was awarded a 1817 Innovative State and Local Public Health Strategies to Prevent and Manage Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke Grant.
MERC works with Partners for Insightful Evaluation (a Lincoln-based evaluation shop) and the CDPCP Epidemiology/Evaluation team on the two Category A strategies and two Category B strategies, including evaluation and performance measure monitoring.
Clients: Jamie Hahn
Funder: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NEDHHS)
Public Health Transformation: Redesigning for Tomorrow
MERC is working with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services's (DHHS) efforts to provide support to Tribal and Local Health Departments in Nebraska (T/LHDs) and better integrate local priorities into state health assessments and health improvement plans.
MERC is conducting evaluations of DHHS staff and users of health data to assess needs and develop tools for future planning.
Funder: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NEDHHS)
Internally-Funded Projects
Athletics Survey
The UNL Athletics Department wanted to better understand Husker fans' opinions on services and amenities at home games during the 2019 football season.
MERC supported this by designing a web survey, reporting on results after each home game, and providing a summary report at the end of the season.
Clients: Jason Rathe